Holding a maths tutorial online

  • Group size: tutorials of 2-3 students and small groups of 10-12
  • Teaching type: Mainly tutorials
  • Division: MPLS
  • Subject: Maths
  • Tools: Teams, mobile device


In a face to face tutorial, some academics use a piece of paper on the table to outline problem solving. In an online environment this has been replicated by using a mobile device as a visualiser by placing it above a piece of paper on a stand. Academics sign into MS Teams as normal from their computer, and also sign in on a mobile device. They can then flick between their face when talking and mobile device when problem solving. After the session a scan is taken of the problem-solving sheet and this is disseminated to students in a PDF format.


The technology used for this is widely available and can be used on most mobile devices including Android and Apple, this negates the need to buy specialised kit. By signing in on two devices, the presenter can flick between their face and the problem sheet, if using a dedicated visualiser this cannot be done as it can only be run from a computer. Students can receive a copy of a PDF after the session for reference purposes.


There is no interactivity available using this method, as students are not able to interact on a remote mobile.

Links to practical advice

  • Contributed by: Dr Vicky Neale
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