The Digital Education Technologies Survey for undergraduate and postgraduate taught students at Oxford was conducted in Trinity term 2023 by the teams responsible for running Canvas, ORLO (Oxford Reading Lists Online), Panopto and MS Teams, together with the Centre for Teaching and Learning.
The survey sought to understand students’ experience of using digital technologies to support their learning, and aims to shape and improve the use of digital education tools at Oxford.
Results have been shared with relevant services across the University, as well as the Digital Transformation team and divisions and departments.
Read on to find out how the University has been responding to feedback received from students through the survey.
Educational resources
Students said
We did
Inconsistent Canvas use between lecturers and across programmes.
Continued work with departments to implement locally customised Canvas course templates to promote a consistent approach.
Information/links not up to date on Canvas.
Employed four new Digital Education Assistants as part of the Canvas Inclusive Teaching Enhancements 2 (ITE2) Project to provide hands-on support for departments in updating their Canvas pages.
Canvas can be difficult to navigate/difficult to find what we need.
Employed four new Digital Education Assistants as part of the Canvas Inclusive Teaching Enhancements 2 (ITE2) Project to support departments to develop and design more consistent Canvas content and activities.
Launched a Page Enhancements tool to better structure home pages (and other pages) within a Canvas course.
Lack of support and guidance on Canvas.
Updated the student guidance course on Canvas.
Updated Canvas induction slides for departments to share with students during orientation week.
Worked closely with digital skills and academic skills student interns in the Centre for Teaching and Learning over summer 2023 to ensure Canvas support work feeds into wider initiatives involving the student voice.
Continued to post regular announcements on Canvas sharing hints and tips for students.
Technical issues/not mobile friendly.
Instructure (service provider for Canvas) continued to regularly release Canvas updates to resolve technical issues.
Students can access a variety of help resources on the Help menu in Canvas (SSO required), for individual queries.
Educational recordings (Panopto)
Students said
We did
Low audio/video quality.
Launched a new audio-visual support service to help departments and colleges.
Commenced a process of review and updates of our guidance documentation to ensure that users have up-to-date information on how to get the most out of the Panopto toolset.
Begun undertaking a full audit of Panopto-enabled teaching spaces across the University to provide opportunities for improvements to existing audio-visual systems.
Delivered recommendations for an IT Infrastructure Service Review as part of Digital Transformation.
Inaccurate captions.
Held one-to-one sessions with senior Panopto staff to discuss Oxford’s needs, report user feedback and request improvements.
Lack of access to recordings.
Worked with the Disability Advisory Service in developing the Disability Inclusion Statement (SSP A) which suggests inclusive practices and standard reasonable adjustments, including access to lecture recordings until relevant assessments have been completed.
MS Teams
Students said
We did
Many technical issues.
Microsoft are continually improving Teams, including improving reliability when using it on older hardware. Ensure you are always using the most up-to-date version of the software and download the app instead of relying on the browser version.
Teams 2.0 is now available, and has been designed specifically to address various issues. It is up to 2X faster, whether you are launching the app, joining meetings, or switching chats or channels. It also uses up to 50% less memory and disk space utilisation, and has lower CPU usage.
ORLO (Oxford Reading Lists Online)
Students said
We did
Not widely used.
Reinforced the need to publish lists in advance, as part of regular communications to ORLO list owners.
Continued the ‘e-first policy’ where possible, for reading list material.
Promoted and provided support for ORLO to help departments embed ORLO as a sustainable tool for teaching.
Flagged up ORLO lists during Bodleian central inductions.
Issues with structure and usability.
In 2024, we are transitioning to Leganto to deliver ORLO. As part of its implementation, we will review list-owner training on the structure, and the integration of reading lists with Canvas pages.
Leganto will help with the monitoring of broken links by attaching broken link reports to SSO usernames, so that ORLO co-ordinators can follow up with list owners.
Technical issues
Raised the issue of technical problems when using Chrome with Talis (current service provider for ORLO).
Include multiple browser and mobile testing as part of the forthcoming Leganto implementation.
Single sign on
Students said
We did
Platform integration across all digital education platforms (eg one unified access process).
Begun working with Digital Transformation on the Student Hub project to consolidate access to a number of student services through a single online site and/or app.