The Oxford Teaching, Learning and Educational Leadership Recognition Scheme has three pathways (Associate Fellow, Fellow and Senior Fellow) that align to different teaching and learning support roles, responsibilities, and educational leadership practice.
Each is a structured route through which to apply for recognition of your higher education teaching/learner support that is accredited by Advance HE.
Find out about the Associate Fellowship Pathway below. Upon successful completion of this pathway, you will be awarded Associate Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy (AFHEA).
Who is it for?
The Associate Fellowship Pathway is open to all academic, DPhil and postdoctoral researchers and professional services colleagues, such as librarians and laboratory technicians, who are employed at the collegiate University and who are currently teaching and/or supporting learners.
Please note this is the only pathway in the Oxford Teaching, Learning and Educational Leadership Recognition Scheme that is open to Oxford DPhil students, even if you have a teaching/learning support post at the University.
Are there pre-requisites?
To be eligible to apply to this pathway you must:
- Be teaching/supporting learners registered at the University of Oxford
- Have at least 15 hours of contact time with learners across the academic year in which you participate in the pathway
- Have completed a PLTO course or equivalent
- Have been teaching or supporting learners for at least one term before joining the pathway.
Is Associate Fellowship right for me?
To find out if your teaching and/or learner support experience, roles and responsibilities are aligned to the criteria for Associate Fellowship you will need to complete the Advance HE Fellowship Category Tool 2023. You will be asked to share the results of your Fellowship Category Tool as part of the application process.
How can I find out more about the pathway and ask questions?
You are encouraged to register to attend one of the following online information session to find out more about the Associate Fellowship Pathway and to ask any questions you may have about the pathway before applying:
Thursday 13 February (Week 4 HT25) 10-10.30am
Wednesday 19 February (Week 5 HT25) 2-2.30pm
Tuesday 25 February (Week 6 HT25) 10-10.30am
Monday 3 March (Week 7 HT25) 2-2.30pm
Thursday 13 March (Week 8 HT25) 2-2.30pm
Wednesday 19 March (Week 9 HT25) 10-10.30am
Tuesday 25 March (Week 10 HT25) 2-2.30pm
How is it delivered?
The Associate Fellowship Pathway adopts a ‘flipped classroom’ approach. Before each workshop you will be asked to work with a number of different resources provided to suit a range of teaching/learner support contexts. You will be able to engage with these online materials in Canvas and they will be linked directly to each of the three in-person workshops. These workshops will provide opportunities for you to explore ideas and practices with others and to consider how these relate to your own teaching/learner support context.
When is each workshop taking place?
The dates for the three in-person workshops are:
- Wednesday 23 April (Week 0 TT25), 1.30-3.30pm
- Thursday 24 April (Week 0 TT25), 1.30-3.30pm
- Monday 23 June (Week 9 TT25), 10am-12noon
You will be asked to complete 1 to 1.5 hours of work before the workshops in preparation for the session, and up to 1 hour of follow-up work after the workshop to help you prepare your claim.
How is it assessed?
The Associate Fellowship Pathway is assessed through the submission of a 1,400 word written recognition claim in which you will demonstrate how your teaching and learning support practice is aligned to the PSF2023 for Associate Fellowship.
Through a combination of online materials and activities in Canvas and the workshops you will be supported in reviewing your practice and writing your claim. You will also have opportunities to gain formative feedback on your draft claim through 1:1 sessions with scheme tutors from the Centre for Teaching and Learning.
Alongside your recognition claim, you will also need to submit one supporting statement from a more experienced colleague who can endorse your claim as a fair and accurate reflection of your teaching/learner support practice in higher education. Materials in Canvas will support colleagues in drafting their one to two page (A4) supporting statement.
Your recognition claim will be assessed internally by qualified staff from the Centre for Teaching and Learning, all of whom hold at least Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy.
What are the claim submission deadlines?
You will have three opportunities to submit your claim. The submission deadlines are:
First deadline: 12noon, Monday 8 September (Week -4 MT25)
Second deadline: 12noon, Monday 5 January (Week -1 HT26)
Third deadline: 12noon, Monday 9 March (Week 8 HT26)
What do I get on completion?
The Associate Fellowship Pathway is accredited by Advance HE and on successful completion of the pathway, participants are awarded Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and are entitled to use the post-nominal letters, AFHEA.
When do applications close?
Applications to join this year's cohort close at 12noon on Monday 31 March (Week 11 HT25).
How do I apply?
Step 1: Attend an online information session (see above)
Step 2: Complete the online Advance HE Fellowship Category Tool 2023
Step 3: Complete our online application form, including uploading the Fellowship Category Tool PDF output.
When will I know if I have a place on the Associate Fellowship Pathway?
Please reserve the dates of the three in-person workshops in your calendar. You will be invited to attend the first workshop by the week commencing Monday 7 April (Week 12 HT25). This notification will include information about the pre-workshop tasks and the location of the workshops.
Please note
The Oxford Teaching, Learning and Educational Leadership Recognition Scheme replaces the Advancing Teaching and Learning (ATL) Programme and the Teaching Recognition Scheme (TRS).