Investment and other enablers for implementation

The ways in which digital education is taken forward in the next period will be critical to its success. The success of the implementation of this Digital Education Strategy relies on much more than investment in digital infrastructure – it is also enabled by policy and process, people, and digital tools and services. There is a need to review and monitor the impact of the ambitions articulated in this strategy with respect to pedagogy, ways of working, skills, staff time, collaboration, change management, institutional environment and leadership. Collaboration between divisions, departments, colleges and professional services will be essential.



Establish or nominate an existing group with responsibility for oversight of the actions associated with the strategy.


Develop an engagement plan in such a way that departments and faculties are regularly consulted, and provide structures to support staff engagement such as time buyout, secondments and local champions.


Agree a set of principles to underpin implementation of the strategy to include, for example, ethics, data security and environmental sustainability.


Join up central and divisional IT governance and decision-making processes, and ensure that investment is sustained centrally and locally.


The working group developed an illustrative list of prioritised actions (SSO required), mapped to the following enablers for implementation: policy and process, people, digital platforms, tools and services, and infrastructure.

The investment needed to take forward these actions will be provided largely by the Digital Transformation programme and the IT Development Plan.

In addition to viewing the illustrative list of prioritised actions, you can view the proposed implementation timeline (SSO required) of Education IT projects prioritised by the Digital Education Strategy.