Learning Productivity and Study Skills

  • Group size: Unlimited (open resource)
  • Teaching type: Online
  • Division: Saïd Business School 
  • Subject: Study skills
  • Tools: Canvas, H5P


The Learning Productivity and Study Skills (LPASS) course has been created to support study skills in areas including reading, writing, referencing and organisation. Hosted in Canvas it makes extensive use of the rapid authoring tool H5P to combine a ‘best of both worlds’ approach. Canvas is used to its full potential to provide an easily-navigable platform which hosts media-rich H5P activities. These incorporate video, audio and interactive exercises into the course. Canvas is also utilised to create peer-to-peer activities for students; the social aspect to this engages students whilst allowing them to learn from each other. Generic material can also be tailored to individual needs through access to consultation by using the booking tool in the site.


Technology is used to create a multi-modal approach to learning. Students can learn online, attend a consultation or learn from each other. An array of learning materials in differing formats caters for varied learning styles. The output from H5P looks very sophisticated, but is easy to create, even for academics with limited experience of learning technology.


Some H5P activities have limited accessibility, so it is wise to consider this when choosing a type of activity. In addition, H5P doesn’t always deal with longer texts in an intuitive manner, although a recent infographics addition to the software may remedy this.

screenshot of learning productivity and study skills

A screenshot of the Learning Productivity and Study Skills (LPASS) course homepage showing the graphical icons navigation menu.

  • Contributed by: Dominik Lukes
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