The teaching remotely pages have been updated and improved to reflect the reality of teaching in the 20/21 academic year as a result of COVID-19. The new information has been provided by learning technologists and educational development experts from the Centre for Teaching and Learning, along with a coalition of partners across the collegiate University and builds on the recommendations and resources provided in Trinity Term for the move to remote teaching.
Planning will focus on delivering a flexible and inclusive approach to teaching that preserves the high quality, personalised education that is the hallmark of the University and which provides flexibility to move quickly to more remote or more face-to-face teaching depending on circumstances.
Helpful scenarios are now available to assist academics with planning for every teaching situation, and examples are provided which draw on real world remote teaching experiences at Oxford.
New webinars on flexible and inclusive teaching
New webinars scheduled throughout July have also been added to the highly successful series that took place in Trinity term; they will focus on the requirements for teaching during the academic year 2020/21, introducing attendees to the concept of flexible and inclusive teaching and providing a tour of the guidance, materials and support on offer.
For more information, visit the teaching remotely page.