2023 Teaching and Learning Symposium

What is happening?

The 2023 Teaching and Learning Symposium is a one-day in-person event on Thursday 22 June to celebrate teaching and learning at Oxford.

It is being organised by the Centre for Teaching and Learning at the Blavatnik School of Government, Radcliffe Observatory Quarter, Woodstock Road, Oxford OX2 6GG. 

The symposium, together with several pre-symposium events on the Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday beforehand, will provide everyone involved in teaching students at Oxford with an opportunity to connect with peers and share examples of good practice in flexible and inclusive teaching, learning and assessment across the collegiate University.

The symposium will be opened by the Vice-Chancellor, Professor Irene Tracey CBE, and the afternoon session will be introduced by the Pro-Vice-Chancellor Education, Professor Martin Williams.

Who are our special guests?

Keynote speaker: Dr Rachel Forsyth from the Lund University (Sweden) will present a keynote address and facilitate a workshop on diversifying assessment.

Workshop facilitator: Dr Tünde Varga-Atkins from the University of Liverpool will facilitate a workshop on embedding digital education in teaching and assessment.  

How can I find out more?

Find out more and register for the symposium and pre-symposium events by following the links below. 


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