

The Student-Staff Partnerships Toolkit relies on the findings from an extensive consultation of students' and staff members' experiences with student engagement at Oxford.

Led by external consultants Tom Lowe and Maria Moxey, the consultation formed a key part of the Student Engagement Through Partnerships Project, an internal project looking at how taught students’ engagement and feelings of belonging could be enhanced through meaningful student-staff partnerships within the central University.

The evaluation report (SSO required) details the findings and recommendations resulting from this review of the University of Oxford’s student engagement structure. 


The Centre for Teaching and Learning would like to thank:

  • external consultants Tom Lowe and Maria Moxey for their work on the Student Engagement through Partnerships project (SSO required)
  • the students and staff who engaged with the external review to discuss student engagement at Oxford in their development of the above report
  • the Van Houten fund for generously supporting the Student Engagement through Partnerships Project
  • Oxford SU for their support and guidance with developing the toolkit 
  • our 2023 student experience interns for trialling the guidance and tools in this toolkit 
  • the students and staff who contributed case studies to this toolkit
  • the members of staff who participated in toolkit consultation feedback workshops.