Online sessions

In-person workshop: Empowering Oxford Educators, Wed 9 Apr (10am-12noon)

Join us to explore the features of our Digitally Supported Inclusive Teaching Toolkit, and discuss how you might apply them in your teaching

Find out more and register.


We organise free sessions each term to help staff get the most out of Canvas, AllyH5P, and Vevox to support flexible and inclusive teaching and learning at Oxford.

Follow the links below for further information and booking details.

What other sessions are available?

We also promote sessions provided by our colleagues in IT Services (for Nexus 365 and Panopto), the Libraries (for ORLO), and the Student Registry (for Inspera). Follow the links below for further information.

You can also view the latest course offering from the IT Learning Centre

Can I be alerted when new dates are released?

This page is updated regularly as dates for new sessions from the Centre for Teaching and Learning are added each term. To receive a message when new dates are released, sign up to our mailing list.

FIT - Flexible and Inclusive Teaching

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